First Sacraments Program

Our First Sacrament program coincides with our Family Formation nights. The meetings are generally the 1st Sunday of the month from October-May. This year’s dates are coming soon! To learn more about the Family Formation Program click here.

First Sacraments Program includes:

  1. Ensure that you and your child/ren are registered parishioners.

  2. Enroll in Maternity of Mary's year-long Family Formation Program. Call the Parish Office to enroll: 651-489-8825. This program is offered for parents of children starting in second grade.

  3. The Family Formation Program includes an introductory parent session, attendance at Enrollment Mass in November, completion of an at-home study workbook, attendance at monthly Family Formation Gatherings, and a parent/child retreat experience.

  4. First Reconciliation will be celebrated January 11th 2025.

  5. All first communicants will participate in a rehearsal close to their First Communion date.

  6. First Communion is celebrated in May 4th 2025.

For more information, please contact us.